Thursday, December 11, 2008


How do we get stuck in something
that we love and hate at the same time...
Make our own life miserable,
trying to move on and get out.
But after a while...
it starts feeling so normal that we feel no pain...
That we think that it was my fate.
Try to break ties and move on but get tied by fake emotions...
That we are so scared of losing whatever crumbs are left,
that we cant see that the pie is over.
Forget what we wanted from ourselves,
what we wanted from those who complicate everything.
Say things will get better,
knowing that is the biggest white lie.
Nothing to hold onto but hold onto that was never meant to be.
Try to make sense of things which nomore have any meaning
Be the only one walking on a road,
On a path that was once walked by more.
And not even realize that there is noone on our side.