An old love-wild and reckless,
when you were young and I was free.
It is the memory I carry along.
The thoughts of shadows walking side by side,
hushed murmurings in hallways
Moments of nothings that meant everything.
The innocence of your face, the carefree smiles
That gives me everything I need to go through my day.
In my mind we live a perfect life.
Without any complications, misunderstandings,
Without any of the troubles life brings for us.
Today when my days are dull and gloomy,
I keep running our past like a never ending tape.
It might have been ages ago,
But sometimes even a long time back
Feels just like yesterday.
I was scared of losing you then, of not seeing you ever again.
Now I am scared of crossing you someday
Just like that where you are nomore the person I knew
And we wonder what to say to each other
You are nomore carefree and happy
And this new person you have become,
takes away a life time of my memory.